Results for 'Julia L. Driver'

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  1. Editorial: The Review Process.Julia L. Driver & Connie S. Rosati - 2019 - Ethics 130 (1):1-4.
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    Neural response to emotional faces with and without awareness; event-related fMRI in a parietal patient with visual extinction and spatial neglect.Patrik Vuilleumier, J. L. Armony, Karen Clarke, Masud Husain, Julia Driver & Raymond J. Dolan - 2002 - Neuropsychologia 40 (12):2156-2166.
  3. Being unimpressed with ourselves: Reconceiving humility.J. L. A. Garcia - 2006 - Philosophia 34 (4):417-435.
    I first sketch an account of humility as a character trait in which we are unimpressed with our good, envied, or admired features, achievements, etc., where these lack significant salience for our image of ourselves, because of the greater prominence of our limitations and flaws. I situate this view among several other recent conceptions of humility (also called modesty), dividing them between the inward-directed and outward-directed, distinguish mine from them, pose problems for each alternative account, and show how my understanding (...)
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  4. Aesop's fox: Consequentialist virtue meets egocentric bias.Dale L. Clark - 2009 - Philosophical Psychology 22 (6):727 – 737.
    In her book Uneasy Virtue, Julia Driver presents an account of motive or trait utilitarianism, one that has been taken as “the most detailed and thoroughly defended recent formulation” of consequential virtue ethics. On Driver's account character traits are morally virtuous if and only if they generally lead to good consequences for society. Various commentators have taken Driver to task over this account of virtue, which she terms “pure evaluational externalism.” They object that, on Driver's (...)
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    Atarbos' base and the Panathenaia.Julia L. Shear - 2003 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 123:164-180.
    Re-examination of the well-known Atarbos base in the Akropolis Museum shows that the monument had two distinct phases which have generally been ignored in previous discussions: it originally consisted of a pillar supported by the extant right block decorated with the relief of purrhikhistai; subsequently, the pillar was removed, the base was doubled in size, and three bronze statues were erected. Close examination of the remains and the style of the reliefs indicates that the original period dates to 323/2 BC (...)
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    Developmental Models for Estimating Ecological Responses to Environmental Variability: Structural, Parametric, and Experimental Issues.Julia L. Moore & Justin V. Remais - 2014 - Acta Biotheoretica 62 (1):69-90.
    Developmental models that account for the metabolic effect of temperature variability on poikilotherms, such as degree-day models, have been widely used to study organism emergence, range and development, particularly in agricultural and vector-borne disease contexts. Though simple and easy to use, structural and parametric issues can influence the outputs of such models, often substantially. Because the underlying assumptions and limitations of these models have rarely been considered, this paper reviews the structural, parametric, and experimental issues that arise when using degree-day (...)
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    Lower Trait Stability, Stronger Normative Beliefs, Habitual Phone Use, and Unimpeded Phone Access Predict Distracted College Student Messaging in Social, Academic, and Driving Contexts.Julia L. Briskin, Tim Bogg & Jesse Haddad - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Divided City. On Memory and Forgetting in Ancient Athens (Book).Julia L. Shear - 2003 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 123:228-229.
  9.  44
    Polis and revolution: responding to oligarchy in classical Athens.Julia L. Shear - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    During the turbulent last years of the fifth century BC, Athens twice suffered the overthrow of democracy and the subsequent establishment of oligarchic regimes. In an in-depth treatment of both political revolutions, Julia Shear examines how the Athenians responded to these events, at the level both of the individual and of the corporate group. Interdisciplinary in approach, this account brings epigraphical and archaeological evidence to bear on a discussion which until now has largely been based on texts. Dr Shear (...)
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    Intersubjective Affect and Embodied Emotion: Feeling the Supernatural in Thailand.Julia L. Cassaniti - 2015 - Anthropology of Consciousness 26 (2):132-142.
    In this article I argue for increased attention to the supernatural as a site for inquiry into, and elaboration of, affect. In attending to how and when people encounter ghosts in Thailand, affect is approached as a moving, interpersonal field of wishes and desires. These wishes and desires circulate within intersubjective spaces, and are sometimes experienced as coalesced, embodied emotions. In highlighting such an orientation, affect can be understood as not just an intersubjective project but also a spiritual one. I (...)
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    Athenian social memory - Steinbock social memory in athenian public discourse. Uses and meanings of the past. Pp. XII + 411, ills, map. Ann Arbor: The university of michigan press, 2013. Cased, us$85. Isbn: 978-0-472-11832-8. [REVIEW]Julia L. Shear - 2014 - The Classical Review 64 (2):506-508.
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    (G.) Nagy Plato's Rhapsody and Homer's Music. The Poetics of the Panathenaic Festival in Classical Athens. Washington and Athens: Center for Hellenic Studies and Foundation of the Hellenic World, 2002 (distributed by Harvard UP). Pp. ix+ 124.£ 11.50/€ 15.70. 0674009630. [REVIEW]Julia L. Shear - 2004 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 124:182-183.
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    ‘Their memories will never grow old’: The politics of remembrance in the athenian funeral orations.Julia L. Shear - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):511-536.
    Every winter in the classical period, on a specifically chosen day, Athenians gathered together to mourn the men who had died in war. According to Thucydides, the bones of the dead killed in that year lay in state for two days before being carried in ten coffins organized by tribe to thedêmosion sêmawhere they were buried and then a speech was made in honour of the dead men by a man chosen by the city. As his description makes clear, this (...)
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    (G.V.) Lalonde Horos Dios. An Athenian Shrine and Cult of Zeus. (Monumenta Graeca et Romana 11.) Pp. xvi + 143, pls. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2006. Cased, €109, US$147. ISBN: 978-90-04-14741-. [REVIEW]Julia L. Shear - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (2):639-.
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    Preschool period development of implicit and explicit remembering.Julia L. Greenbaum & Peter Graf - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (5):417-420.
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    Religion and the Polis.Julia L. Shear - 2012 - Kernos 25:27-55.
    Telle que l’a définie Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood, la polis religion est intimement liée à la formation des identités religieuse, civique et culturelle, et elle est davantage concernée par le groupe dominant que par l’individu. Cet article pose la question de savoir si le système religieux laisse de la place à des conceptions qui ne relèvent pas du groupe dominant et dans quelle mesure un tel système peut s’accomoder de la variété. En partant du culte des Tyrannoctones à Athènes, il s’agit de (...)
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    To the City: Urban Photographs of the New Deal.Julia L. Foulkes - 2010 - Temple University Press.
    In the 1930s and 1940s, as the United States moved from a rural to an urban nation, the pull of the city was irrepressible. It was so strong that even a photographic mission designed to record the essence of rural America could not help but capture the energy of urbanization too. To the City showcases over 100 photographs from the Farm Security Administration project along with extracts from the Works Progress Administration guidebooks and oral histories, to convey the detail and (...)
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    A Pilot Program Takes Flight.Julia L. George & Mary P. "Polly" Johnson - 2004 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 6 (4):100-104.
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    Decomposing Newton's Rainbow.Julia L. Epstein - 1984 - Journal of the History of Ideas 45 (1):115.
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    An intracrine view of angiogenesis.Richard N. Re & Julia L. Cook - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (9):943-953.
    Angiogenesis, the generation of new blood vessels from pre‐existing vessels, is an integral component of wound healing, responses to inflammation and other physiologic processes. It is also an essential part of tumor growth; in the absence of new vessel formation, tumors cannot expand beyond a small volume. Although much is known about angiogenesis and its regulation, there is no overall theory that describes or explains this process. It is here suggested that the intracrine hypothesis, which ascribes to certain extracellular signaling (...)
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    Curtis White, The Barbaric Heart: Faith, Money, and the Crisis of Nature: PoliPoint Press, LLC, Sausalito, CA, 2009. [REVIEW]Julia L. Lapp - 2010 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 23 (4):397-400.
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    Bommas M. Ed. Cultural Memory and Identity in Ancient Societies (Cultural Memory and History in Antiquity 1). London: Continuum, 2011. Pp. xiv + 147, illus. £65. 9781441120502. [REVIEW]Julia L. Shear - 2013 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 133:223-224.
  23. Moral expertise: Judgment, practice, and analysis*: Julia driver.Julia Driver - 2013 - Social Philosophy and Policy 30 (1-2):280-296.
    This essay defends moral expertise against the skeptical considerations raised by Gilbert Ryle and others. The core of the essay articulates an account of moral expertise that draws on work on expertise in empirical moral psychology, and develops an analogy between moral expertise and linguistic expertise. The account holds that expertise is contrastive, so that a person is an expert relative to a particular contrast. Further, expertise is domain specific and characterized by “automatic” behavior and judgment. Some disagreements in the (...)
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  24. Monkeying with Motives: Agent-Basing Virtue Ethics*: Julia Driver.Julia Driver - 1995 - Utilitas 7 (2):281-288.
    Virtue ethics has generated a great deal of excitement among ethicists largely because it is seen as an alternative to the traditional theories – utilitarianism and Kantian ethics – which have come under considerable scrutiny and criticism in the past 30 years. Rather than give up the enterprise of doing moral theory altogether, as some have suggested, others have opted to develop an alternative that would hopefully avoid the shortcomings of both utilitarianism and Kantian ethics. Several writers, such as Jorge (...)
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  25. Uneasy Virtue.Julia Driver - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The predominant view of moral virtue can be traced back to Aristotle. He believed that moral virtue must involve intellectual excellence. To have moral virtue one must have practical wisdom - the ability to deliberate well and to see what is morally relevant in a given context. Julia Driver challenges this classical theory of virtue, arguing that it fails to take into account virtues which do seem to involve ignorance or epistemic defect. Some 'virtues of ignorance' are counterexamples (...)
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    Patronizing the Public: American Philanthropy's Transformation of Culture, Communication, and the Humanities.Charles R. Acland, Jeffrey Brison, Gisela Cramer, Julia L. Foulkes, Johannes C. Gall, Anna McCarthy, Manon Niquette, Theresa Richardson, Haidee Wasson & Marion Wrenn (eds.) - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Patronizing the Public is the first detailed and comprehensive examination of how American philanthropy has transformed culture, communication, and the humanities. Drawing on an impressive range of archival and secondary sources, the chapters in the volume shed light on philanthropic foundations have shaped numerous fields, including film, television, radio, journalism, drama, local history, museums, as well as art and the humanities in general.
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    Trust but Verify: The Interactive Effects of Trust and Autonomy Preferences on Health Outcomes. [REVIEW]Yin-Yang Lee & Julia L. Lin - 2009 - Health Care Analysis 17 (3):244-260.
    Patients’ trust in their physicians improves their health outcomes because of better compliance, more disclosure, stronger placebo effect, and more physicians’ trustworthy behaviors. Patients’ autonomy may also impact on health outcomes and is increasingly being emphasized in health care. However, despite the critical role of trust and autonomy, patients that naïvely trust their physicians may become overly dependent and lack the motivation to participate in medical care. In this article, we argue that increased trust does not necessarily imply decreased autonomy. (...)
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    Tracking Changes in Frontal Lobe Hemodynamic Response in Individual Adults With Developmental Language Disorder Following HD tDCS Enhanced Phonological Working Memory Training: An fNIRS Feasibility Study.Amy Berglund-Barraza, Fenghua Tian, Chandramallika Basak, John Hart & Julia L. Evans - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Situation awareness-based agent transparency and human-autonomy teaming effectiveness.Jessie Y. C. Chen, Shan G. Lakhmani, Kimberly Stowers, Anthony R. Selkowitz, Julia L. Wright & Michael Barnes - 2018 - Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 19 (3):259-282.
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  30. Pleasure as the standard of virtue in Hume's moral philosophy.By Julia Driver - 2004 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 85 (2):173–194.
    But in many orders of beauty, particularly those of the finer arts, it is requisite to employ much reasoning, in order to feel the proper sentiment; and a false relish may frequently be corrected by argument and reflection. There are just grounds to conclude, that moral beauty partakes much of this latter species, and demands the assistance of our intellectual faculties, in order to give it a suitable influence on the human mind (EPM, 173).
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  31. Consequentialism.Julia Driver - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    Consequentialism is the view that the rightness or wrongness of actions depend solely on their consequences. It is one of the most influential, and controversial, of all ethical theories. In this book, Julia Driver introduces and critically assesses consequentialism in all its forms. After a brief historical introduction to the problem, Driver examines utilitarianism, and the arguments of its most famous exponents, John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham, and explains the fundamental questions underlying utilitarian theory: what value (...)
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  32. The Virtues of Ignorance.Julia Driver - 1989 - Journal of Philosophy 86 (7):373.
    In The Virtues of Ignorance the author demonstrates that classical theories of virtue are flawed and developes a consequentialist theory of virtue. ;Virtues are excellences of character. They are traits which are considered to be valuable in some way. A person who is virtuous is one who has a tendency to act well. Classical philosophers, such as Plato and Aristotle, believed that virtues, as human excellences, could not involve ignorance in any way. On their view, the virtuous agent, when acting (...)
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  33. (2 other versions)Uneasy Virtue.Julia Driver - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (3):606-607.
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    Knowing Better by Daniel Star.Julia Driver - 2016 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 93 (3):713-719.
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    Quantitative Perspectives on Fifty Years of the Journal of the History of Biology.B. R. Erick Peirson, Erin Bottino, Julia L. Damerow & Manfred D. Laubichler - 2017 - Journal of the History of Biology 50 (4):695-751.
    Journal of the History of Biology provides a fifty-year long record for examining the evolution of the history of biology as a scholarly discipline. In this paper, we present a new dataset and preliminary quantitative analysis of the thematic content of JHB from the perspectives of geography, organisms, and thematic fields. The geographic diversity of authors whose work appears in JHB has increased steadily since 1968, but the geographic coverage of the content of JHB articles remains strongly lopsided toward the (...)
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    From Morality to Virtue.Julia Driver - 1994 - Noûs 28 (4):505.
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  37. Autonomy and the Asymmetry Problem for Moral Expertise.Julia Driver - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 128 (3):619-644.
    We seem less likely to endorse moral expertise than reasoning expertise or aesthetic expertise. This seems puzzling given that moral norms are intuitively taken to be at least more objective than aesthetic norms. One possible diagnosis of the asymmetry is that moral judgments require autonomy of judgement in away that other judgments do not. However, the author points out that aesthetic judgments that have been ‘borrowed’ by aesthetic experts generate the same autonomy worry as moral judgments which are borrowed by (...)
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  38. Meta-cognition, mind-reading, and Humean moral agency.Julia Driver - 2014 - In Justin D'Arms Daniel Jacobson, Moral Psychology and Human Agency: Essays on the New Science of Ethics. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    The Reconciliation Project in Ethics.Julia Driver - 2005 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 19 (2):271-276.
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  40. Ificial etwtc^.Julia Driver - 2005 - In Christopher Grau, Philosophers Explore the Matrix. Oxford University Press. pp. 208.
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    Kvanvig`s The Intellectual Virtues and the Life of the Mind.Julia Driver - 1993 - Informal Logic 15 (1).
  42. Ethics: The Fundamentals.Julia Driver - 2006 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Ethics: The Fundamentals_ explores core ideas and arguments in moral theory by introducing students to different philosophical approaches to ethics, including virtue ethics, Kantian ethics, divine command theory, and feminist ethics. The first volume in the new Fundamentals of Philosophy series. Presents lively, real-world examples and thoughtful discussion of key moral philosophers and their ideas. Constitutes an excellent resource for readers coming to the subject of ethics for the first time.
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  43. The suberogatory.Julia Driver - 1992 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 70 (3):286 – 295.
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    Introduction.Julia Driver - 2001 - Utilitas 13 (2):137.
    The evaluation of character has taken on new significance in moral theory, and, indeed, some advocate a shift in focus away from evaluating action to evaluating character. This has been taken to pose special challenges for utilitarian and consequentialist moral theory. Utilitarianism's commitment to impartiality and its seeming failure to accommodate virtue evaluation have led to problems, some of which are developed in the essays in this volume.
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  45. Moral Bookkeeping, Consequentialism, and Carbon Offsets.Julia Driver - 2013 - In Avram Hiller, Ramona Ilea & Leonard Kahn, Consequentialism and environmental ethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 164-173.
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    Microaggressions in the Accounting Academy: The Black Experience.Phebian L. Davis, Denise Dickins, Julia L. Higgs & Joseph Reid - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 192 (3):627-654.
    Black Americans are underrepresented members of the US accounting academy (Brown-Liburd and Joe 2020). By interviewing Black accounting faculty about their experiences during their doctoral education and institutional hiring and promotion processes, we discover stories of degradation, stereotyping, and exclusion (i.e., microaggressions) that participants report negatively impact their views of the academic accounting profession and increase their turnover intentions. Microaggressions committed against Black accounting faculty may contribute to underrepresentation that can be addressed through enlightenment, education, and interaction. Our findings are (...)
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    A bidirectional relationship between physical activity and executive function in older adults.Michael Daly, David McMinn & Julia L. Allan - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  48. The Conflation of Moral and Epistemic Virtue.Julia Driver - 2003 - Metaphilosophy 34 (3):367-383.
    Accounts of virtue suffer a conflation problem when they appear unable to preserve intuitive distinctions between types of virtue. In this essay I argue that a number of influential attempts to preserve the distinction between moral and epistemic virtues fail, on the grounds that they characterize virtuous traits in terms of ‘characteristic motivation’. I claim that this does not distinguish virtuous traits at the level of value‐conferring quality, and I propose that the best alternative is to distinguish them at the (...)
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    Word Frequency Is Associated With Cognitive Effort During Verbal Working Memory: A Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy Study.Amy Berglund-Barraza, Fenghua Tian, Chandramalika Basak & Julia L. Evans - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  50. ch. 25. Normative ethical theory in the twentieth century.Julia Driver - 2013 - In Michael Beaney, The Oxford Handbook of The History of Analytic Philosophy. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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